I wish I was a songwriter. I would blend clever lyrics with an unforgettable melody. Maybe something bold and bodacious or something smooth and captivating. Sure to become a classic!
I long to be an author, word slinger, originator of word. I would inscribe a best selling novel or a collection of short stories, or maybe an acclaimed newspaper column. The scoop!
Oh, if I could paint. I would brush on, slather, stipple, smear and spread paint all over my canvas. My paintings could hang in a gallery and be none too shabby!
I dream of performing. Maybe an actress, eloquent and accomplished. Or a comedian, offering a diversion from everyday plight with hilarity and wittiness. Funny business!
Imagine me a top rate cook, a culinary artist. I could blanch, braise, fry and fricassee to my heart's content. I could open a restaurant and my patrons would line up outside and wait just to dine on the divine cuisine. Bon Appetit!
Sometimes I make up silly little songs and sing them with my grandchildren. I love to compose little snippets, not unlike this one. It helps me release my inner creativity. In my craft room I paint and scrapbook and none of my work hangs in a gallery, but paintings done by my grandchildren hang on my walls. At times I act as if everything is okay when it is not. I always enjoy a good laugh with my friends. My son raves about my meatloaf, although to me it's just meatloaf. My children come and dine with me and it fills my heart with joy to see the wonderful people they have grown to be. How sweet it is to spend time with my parents who are still sweet on each other. Some days are good some days are bad. No matter the day, always be glad for what you have!